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Flywheel Training. Exercises.


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kBox Squat

kBox Shrug

High Pull

kBox High Pull

kBox4 Calf Raise Decline Board

kBox Calf Raise

kBox4 Bulgarian Split Squat

kBox Split Squat

kBox4 Thruster

kBox Thruster

kBox4 Seated Triceps Extension

kBox Triceps Extension

kBox Biceps Curl

Exxentric kBox4 Regular Deadlift kBar

kBox Deadlift

kBox4 Lateral Squat Harness

kBox Lateral Squat

Leg Curl

kBox Leg Curl

kBox Romanian Deadlift

kBox Row

kPulley Biceps Curl

kPulley Biceps Curl

kPulley Chest Press

kPulley Kneeling Glute Thruster

kPulley Kneeling Glute Thruster

kPulley Standing Leg Curl

kPullley Standing Leg Curl

kPulley Seated Row kBar

kPulley Seated Row

kPulley Shrug

kPulley Shrug

kBox4 Triceps Extension

kPulley Triceps Extension

kBox4 Side Crunch

kBox Side Crunch

kBox Core Twist

kBox4 Wrestling Rotation

kBox Wrestling Rotation

kBox4 Military Press

kBox Military Press

kBox Push Press

kBox Push Press

kBox4 Seated Shoulder Press

kBox Seated Shoulder Press

kBox4 Single Arm Lateral Side Raise

kBox Lateral Raise

kBox4 Straight Arm Lift

kBox Straight Arm Lift

kBox Hip Extension

kbox Hip Flexion

kBox Hip Flexion

kBox Hip Swing

Hip Extension

kPulley Hip Extension

kPulley Hip Flexion

kPulley Hip Flexion

kPulley Standing Hip Thrust

kPulley Standing Hip Thrust

kPulley Hip Swing kGrips

kPulley Hip Swing

kPulley Lateral Side Raise

kPulley Lateral Raise

kPulley Single-arm Press

kPulley Single Arm Press

kPulley High Pull

kPulley High Pull

kPulley External Rotation

kPulley External Rotation

kPulley Internal Rotation

kPulley Internal Rotation

kPulley Straight Arm Lift

Oblique Variations

kPulley Standing Core Twist

Rotational Sling kPulley2

kPulley Rotational Sling Rotation

kPulley Wrestling Rotation

kPulley Wrestling Rotation

kPulley Crunches

kPulley Crunches

kPulley Wood Choop

kPulley Standing Wood Chop

LegExx Regular Leg Extension

LegExx Leg Extension

LegFlexx Leg Curl

LegFlexx Single-Leg Curl

LegFlexx Assisted Overload

LegFlexx Single-Leg Overload

LegExx Self-Assisted

LegExx Hip Thrust

LegExx Hip Thrust

LegExx 2-1 Overload

LegExx Single-Leg Extension

kPulley Single Arm Chest Press

kPulley Chest Press (Single Arm)

kPulley Single Arm Row

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